Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Santa's Elf has made it to Tacoma

After reading about Mark and Magical two elves that showed up at the homes of our friends, we were anxious to see if Santa would send an elf to our house. Low and behold he did. Alyssa named him Fred and he's been "watching" the kids to see if they've been naughty or nice. He leaves each night to go back to the north pole to report to Santa on their behavior. He returns in the morning in a new spot.
I was silly to think that this might be an incentive for better, not for Owen. When he learned that the only rule that applied to the elf was not to touch it, he became determined to take a whack at Fred. Fred must know this to be the case with (almost) three year old boys and has been perched high above the room looking down on the children. The first day Fred visited Owen threw a rolled up sock at Fred and knocked him over. Alyssa was distraught because she has taken quite literally to the rule and believes that his magic power might disappear. Oh, my this has been quite the adventure at our house.
We are very much enjoying Fred and even sent his brother to my friend Melissa's house to watch over Elise and Scarett.
The top 12 highlights of this Christmas season so far include.
  • Alyssa enthusiasm and excitement while she unwrapped the ornaments and display them on the couch before putting them on the tree. I love the old glass ornaments, I've collected them since I worked at the Gray Whale Gallery. I have tons. I love that Alyssa treasures them.

  • Deocorating ginger bread houses with Auntie Des and Uncle Chad, Hunter and Bridger and Wendy and Chris, Camden and Aiden.
  • Snow in December and a snow day (today) for Alyssa, mom and Owen. With the snow is the need for Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks. Thanks Chad!

  • Owen has only broken 5 ornaments to date. Not so bad. Three on the first day. He isn't trying to break them...really, it just happens when he's around.
  • Owen singing "We wish you a Merry Christmas, now bring me some figgie piggie wiggie pudding".
  • Ironically Owen singing "You better watch out, you better not pout...he sees you when your sleeping, he knows when your awake, he knows if you been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake". I think he's like his dad when he sings, he doesn't really listen to the words.
  • Shopping for a dress (which is a skirt) for Alyssa's school performance. I hope it doesn't get canceled due to the snow.

  • Our advent calender. We hang 25 small bags from the mantel, each morning Alyssa and Owen open the bag that corresponds with the date. They either get a gift, a note with something we will do as a family or a note with something to do for others. It's been fun, we still need to make good on taking food to the food bank and buying a present for a child in need.
  • Seeing the Scrooge Musical with our dear friend Harriett and her family. I'd love to make this a yearly tradition and invite a new family to go with us each year.
  • Singing as loud as we possibly can "Born to be Wild" every time we see a blow up Santa on a motorcycles.

  • Planning Owen's third birthday party in the midst of the holiday season, and trying to remember to do something nice for Chad as his birthday is on Christmas.
  • The news that my sister Kim is having a baby.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight!


The Dunham's said...

I love it! The song is beautiful!The tree, ornments and elf are great! Miss you all so much! Merry Christmas.

Sara Sandefur said...

I love the advent calendar idea! Sounds like your holidays are cheerful and bright. Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

I love catching up with you guys! Owen is a riot and Alyssa is really into it. :-) Definitely keep these memories! The wonder of Christmas is made even more special through their eyes. Have a very blessed Christmas.

Team Houston said...

Love the name Fred! Rolling up socks to chuck is a pretty great idea, future PE teacher? Owen made me laugh. Glad your elf is bringing you some excitement!

I like your idea of the advent calendar and taking photos of the decorations. That will be some thing fun I can do.

xoxo Michele