Monday, December 22, 2008

We've got Snow, Yes we do!

When was the last time it snowed in December? I can't remember it being this close to Christmas with this much snow. It was fun at first, but we are worried it will prohibit us from traveling to the beach for Christmas.

We are trying to make the best of it. Even though I hate to be cold, so going out and "playing in the snow" is always a little hard for me. On Sunday December 21 our advent calendar activity said play in the snow (which we intended to have to drive to the mountains to play). I couldn't have planned it any better. There was plenty of snow outside our house to play in.

Owen played for a bit while I was at the gym, but said "I'm freezing" and went in to watch Rudolph and the Misfit toys. Alyssa stayed outside while Chad shoveled off the side walk. We tried to make a snowman but the snow had a cover of ice over it and wasn't really good for making snowmen. Alyssa was successful at a small one.
Chad has been driving to work and we managed to do a little shopping on Saturday. His 4 wheel drive has been really nice to get us around safely. We just hope we will be able to make it home on Christmas.

1 comment:

Team Houston said...

Hope you have a safe trip home! Merry Christmas.

My Mom and Step Dad are going to try and come up. Rick's parents are not sure yet?

xoxo Michele