Monday, May 19, 2008

Our ray of sunshine

Alyssa brings so much joy to our family. She just growing so quickly and is quite a delightful girl. She is so patient with her brother, happy to be in school and compliments Chad and I on our parenting skills (most of the time). I think she's really happy with where she is now. She can hula-hoop like a pro, jump rope with out missing the beat and has mastered several sight words and is beginning to read.

Lately, I've been consumed with the decision whether or not she should move up to 1st grade next year. Something in me has been saying she's still so young, she lacks confidence and is still a bit shy. I've probably been talking to too many moms and not talking enough to God. All my mom friends have been so supportive and will give me their thoughts and advice. I've talked to school teacher moms, christian moms and moms with children the same age as Alyssa. Some say "What?, why would you do that", other say "you're her mom you are her advocate, you know best". Others have asked if I've talked to her teacher.

Well I talked to her teacher tonight. I shared all my concerns and she was open and honest with me. I cried, she listened and then she said..."She's really ready for 1st grade, and I've thought about this since you brought it up and she really is ready...and she's not the youngest in our class." Of course she said I'm the parent and she'd respect our wishes if we did chose to have her do Kindergarten again. But she emphasized that Alyssa is bright, she really holds her own at school and "she's a lot different when you and Chad leave." She said she's not as timid as we think she is and that she is participating in class, really opened up this year and "really Emily, I think she's ready".

I appreciate Ms. Kurbis's time spent with me and interest she has taken in Alyssa and in our family. I'm going to pray about it now and see how it all works out. Maybe it's time I let go a little. Oh but it's so hard.


Sara Sandefur said...

She's grown into such a beautiful girl! I'll be praying with you. Either way she's going to do great!

Tessa said...

I am struggling with the decision for Katelynn too. I have made the biggest mistake in comparing her to her brother Zach. Even though his birthday is just a few months before hers the difference is huge. I am seeking out the conference with her teacher now, and praying lots! I will pray for you and Chad too as you seek what to do for Alyssa.

Team Houston said...

You have been tagged.

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