Monday, May 19, 2008

Ouch Owen

Ok, so we are moving past the "Oh Owen" to the "Ouch Owen". We are thankful that the pooping in the corner has subsided and the tantrums in public are getting more and more sporadic. However, this boy is prone to accidents.....or are all boys prone to accidents.

Fortunately, we've had only a few smashed fingers, scrapped knees and bloody lips. Today I read about my friend's son Connor who broke his arm while riding a bike. Last year my cousin's son swallowed a open safety pin. I think this is normal and I should just be blessed that my son is healthy enough to be active, regardless of whether that makes him accident prone.

Yesterday Owen was running to greet Chad (who had been out of town since Wednesday) when he bit it in the carport. Scrapped knee, little blood no big deal. Except when he had to take a bath and it was stinging, you would have thought we were putting salt on his wounds. The worse part is all the spiderman band aids are gone and all we have on hand are barbie band aids. It's just not cutting it. You know you're a mom when you are calling to ask the neighbor not to borrow a cup of sugar but to get a more masculine band aid for your boy.
Well today as I was pulling in I see Chad holding Owen on the stairs. Chad motions with his hands that Owen tumbled off the stairs. Owen is crying pretty hard. I get a sick feeling (another sign that you're a mom of a boy) and start towards Chad and Owen. I get closer and Chad says "wait until you see the other side of his face".
The blood on Chad shirt indicates more than a scrapped chin. This boy is going to have one large shiner in the morning. "Ouch Owen".


Sara Sandefur said...

Oh, those rough and tumble boys! The bigger they get, the harder they fall. Connor is doing well so far - I hope Owen stays upright for awhile!

Anonymous said...

Matthew had 2 sets of stiches in his head when he was 2... the Dr. actually told me if I had to come in one more time in the next few months, they would have to file an "unofficial report".

Tessa said...

It doesn't get better! I was at a ladies tea on the day before Mothers day and came home to the scars of a skate board ride down the hill with the helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads still in the garage instead of on the body. Zach thought that since he is 9 and 1 of 2 boys in a neighborhood full of girls that he is too cool for the safty gear and took the hill and came out with road rash on the, shoulder, knee, elbow, and back. Why is it with boys they have to learn their lessons the hard way with injury to themselves!