Sunday, March 30, 2008

Oh Owen

Owen is keeping us VERY BUSY! Oh where did that sweet, mellow, obedient boy go? Ok, he's still sweet...but he's definitely a BOY!

What Owen's been up to in the past 24 hours....

1. He hit his sister with her ballet baton.

2. He cut open his lips while jumping on the bed with his sister, singing ring-around the poo-poo.

3. He broke my glasses in two pieces.

4. He had a fit while we were at Azteca and almost made mom and dad make a scene.

5. He crashed 4 times on our bike ride down the street. Happy to report, no blood this time and only a couple of tears.

6. His new thing and it's happen twice (not within the 24 hours thank goodness) is first he takes his pants off declaring "I want to be naked". Then off with his diaper. We look around to see he's no where in sight (you might know where this is going). We find him pooping in a corner and once he's picked up the poop. FUN TIMES AT THE FRIDDLE HOUSE.

7. He refuses to where a coat, but doesn't win that battle.

8. He was in time out 4 times today, had two spankings and a nap.

9. He managed to spill his Easter bubbles on the living room floor before blowing one bubble.

10. He runs full speed from the kitchen to the living room and head butts the couch.
Is this normal?


Anonymous said...

normal? i hope not.

efriddle said...

Oh you just wait, your turn is coming!!!!

Andrea said...

I say, yes - this IS normal. Wait until he's 3. I won't even tell you the things Easton is doing...

Come see us soon, more clothes for Owen!

Sara Sandefur said...

I finally found your blog! It's been so much fun catching up with what's up with the Friddles. We really miss you guys.
I say it's normal. You'll make it. A friend has a little boy Owen's age who fingerpainted with his poop during nap time so many times they've had to replace his entire bed. His new one is completely sealed in plastic. It's gross but they still love him. :-)
Talk to you soon--

Melissa Moss said...

yep...this is normal! Wait until he start jumping off counters and tables thinking he is superman! I love your posts. Thanks for sharing.

CasaBlanca said...

I am so glad we are having a girl! You poor thing. Where do you get the energy?