Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Copying my cousin- Ten on Tuesday

So I was reading my cousin's blog and she's started something new called Ten on Tuesday. So I'm trying it too, it will give you a look into our week and a way for me to capture some of those things I wouldn't normally write about. So here it goes.

1. Watching Owen pour himself "tea" from his sisters tiny teapot as he sings "Polly put the kettle on, Polly put the kettle on, Polly put the kettle so we can have tea". Totally made my day...I didn't teach him that song, he picked it up from his mother goose video.

2. Chad finally went to the hardware store and got the screw for the 1 kitchen knob that has been off since September. Totally made my day!

3. It's spirit week at Alyssa's school. She was happy to go to school in her pajama's yesterday. I think she was even more excited to wear "crazy hair" today. Totally made her day.

4. Chad calling me at work to tell me "you won't believe what your son did"... I respond with what now and ask does it have to do with lotion? Chad says yeah, how did you know, I say because he did the same thing yesterday. Chad said, but did he put it all over the banister and squirt the entire bottle in his hair. I said no, just on the carpet. Totally made Owen's day.

5. So busy at work that a 10 hour day flys by. Totally makes GSA's Day.

6. So busy at Chad's work that he's back there tonight. Totally makes ITS's Day.

7. Owen tells me me that "you look so cute momma". Totally makes my day.

8. Chad makes fun of the socks I was wearing with my skirt. (which by the way you couldn't see until I took my boots off). Totally makes Chad's day.

9. Chad takes Alyssa, Amber and Owen to school and day care, pays Amy, goes to the bank works, picks all the kids up and cooks dinner. Totally makes my day.

10. Our kids are both in bed and there's a bit of piece and quiet and time for me to clean up the house and do a little blogging. Totally makes my day!

Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

Team Houston said...

Ah Em!

Thanks for the nice comment on our blog!

I also enjoy reading yours....I am always asking Jason or Andrea about you guys. It has been way too long.

Your kidos are growing so fast and they look so much like you and Chad.

Keep in touch. xxxx, Michele