TaggedI am going to play a game that my cousin started. Enjoy & pass it on :)
The Rules-
Post these rules @ the beginning of your blog.
Answer the questions about yourself.
At the end of the post, tag 5 people and post their name, then go to their blog and leave them a comment, letting them know they've been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
What was I doing 10 years ago?1998
Chad and I had been living in Tacoma for a few months. We'd moved from Kentucky (where we lived together for a short 3 months after we were married). Chad was in the Army, I was still trying to adjust to being an army wife. We were meeting people like Anna and Chuck Ahrens and spending a ton of time with my cousin and her husband Aaron. It was this year that we really became quite close to Andrea and Aaron. I realized that Andrea and I were much like sisters, we liked the same things. She was teaching and I was working in Child Care. Aaron and Chad hit it off and became instant friends.
We played lots of cards, went to lots of movies, ate out whenever we wanted. Bought things for us, like clothes, toys and home furnishings.
I started a new job, Chad was promoted in the Army. We camped and traveled to the beach a lot.
We started going to a church in Parkland, which we were both baptized at. We made connections with people who we still go to church with. We were still keeping in touch with high school friends and were able to visit those who had moved away (Toby and Jason).
We had lots of time to play!
Five Snacks I enjoy:
Diet Coke (I'm addicted)
Chai Tea (only from Starbucks)
Coconut cookies
Salad with 3 bean salad, cheddar cheese and sunflower seeds (I've been totally craving it)
5 Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
Pay off my debt, my sister's debt
Give, Give and Give some more, to whoever I felt like giving to at that moment
Go on a long vacation with my husband
Come home and take a long vacation with our kids
Get lasik eye surgery
Five jobs that I have had (I listed all of them because I thought it would be fun):
Dishwasher- Tidewinds(age 11)
Maid-Edgewater (age 12)
Worked for an Optometrist
Waitress - Joan's Cafe (summers in Jr. High and High School)
Worked at a gift shop...the Gray Whale (my most favorite job ever)
Old Navy (only lasted 2 weeks, got sick of folding shirts)
Head Start Teacher-Longview WA
Child Care Center Licensor
Child Care Specialist GSA
Mom...that's hard work
Five of my habits (good or bad):
reading blogs
biting my finger nails
starting something and not finishing it
wearing my shoes in the house
5place I have lived:
Ocean Park, Long Beach, Seaview WA
Longview WA
Vancouver WA
Fort Knox, KY
Tacoma WA
What are your FAVORITE Jammies?I need new Jammies desperately, I'm not even gonna tell you what mine are.
5 Favorite Hobbies or Wanna-Be Hobbies
scrapbooking & taking pictures of my kids
reading blogs
Hanging out with girl friends (this is a wanna-be hobbie)
Visiting the McCartys
Who Am I Tagging?Friendswith blogs that I consistently read.
1. Rob and Amy 2. Melissa Moss 3. Sara Sandefer 4. Toby (when she gets a blog) 5. Carrie Whitehouse 6. Laura Smidt